Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Monday, December 7, 2009


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I haven’t posted lately because nothing has changed.  She is still vomiting and desating.  She is still hopping on and off of oxygen.  Her bath took a hour and a half this morning because she kept vomiting.  Poor thing.  Sammi braided her hair.  I think it’s so cute!


Heather said...

Still darling as ever.Praying for some answers but knowing in my heart that sweet Bella is just taking it slow and steady and one day will bust out of that cocoon of her and show us lots of magical tricks.Bella is surrounded by a most amazing family who loves her and that,in my opinion,is the very best of medicines.Love and prayers to you all.

Lacey said...

Oh Sweet Bella, what is with the vomiting? I agree with Heather, she is just taking is super slow. Love you guys!!

Cammie Heflin said...

Bless her heart! I wish she could keep her food down, she's got to be thinking what is all of this???

Anonymous said...

So beautiful she is. Sorry she is still having such a hard time. Prayers and love for you guys. Throwing up can't be fun!