Bella is doing well. She has had a very busy two weeks. I had planned on posting last Sunday all about her wonderful week and her breakthroughs, but I just couldn’t. Last Sunday a very special little boy named Carter passed away. I’ve never meet Carter or his family, but my mind couldn’t leave it. I pray for his family. When our son passed away, my world stopped. But life went on for everyone else. It seemed cruel. When our son passed away, I had no memories of him, other than his pregnancy. I had no tangible proof of his existence, other than the nursery we had set up. Now having lived with my sweet Bella for the past 17 months, I am surrounded by evidence of her existence. My life revolves around her care and her life. If that were taken away from me, there would be a very large void left. It would never be able to be filled. So in respect to Carter and his family, I just couldn’t post anything. My world stopped for you Carter. I know that you are now in a wonderful place, happy and safe. May our Father bless your family as they find their way without you.
On the Bella front, she is cute as ever!
Last week we were downtown for appointments three days in a row. Our first order of business was to find her missing thyroid. It took a little radioactive iodine and some gamma radiation, but we found it – yeah! Those were some long days. Then there was the ABR test. That was also good news. Her hearing has actually improved. She has essentially normal hearing in her right ear and some loss in her left ear. She still has fluid in her middle ear, though, so we need to go talk to the ENT. Looks like tubes are in order. The Audiologist wants a hearing test every six months since she is on four different meds that have hearing loss as a side effect – so fun. That ABR was tricky to prepare for. They wanted her sleep deprived. She didn’t want to be sleep deprived. We played games. We painted. We did everything – she still crashed on the way down there. :) Oh well. We got a good study and that’s all that matters.

We were brave and took her to the farm the Saturday before Memorial Day. I loved it! She got to see some things. Mainly she was inside, but I loved having her there!! While we were there, she decided to try my ice cube! I was ecstatic! We have been working on cold for so long! Yeah Bella!

Another huge first!! We took Bella to church. Our family sat together in church for the first time since January 2009 – that was great!

Playing with her sisters on the piano and then doing more tastes in therapy.
Our little miss wants to sit up so badly. She is getting so close. Way to go little one. I am so proud of you.
We love you Arabella!