Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Friday, July 29, 2016


We have had the craziest summer – once we moved here and we got all settled, I got incredibly bored!  My babies were in school all day (on the bus at 8AM, and home around 5PM) – what’s a typically crazy busy Mama to do?  So I got a part time job at church.  It was great – around 20 hours a week and flexible.  But I didn’t think about the summer – my job is year round.  Oops!  So my big girls have been taking care of my little girls while I work.

On this day,  I went to work at 4AM, so I could come home and spend the whole day with the little ones.  We had a great time!


Bella loved the car at the grocery store!


Therapy is year round too!!

They have a phone in the waiting room – Bella always has to talk on it before we go back!


Trying on new glasses


And they are in!


Cooking with Jessi


Playing basketball!!


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