This sweet little one has touched my heart. She will be four in January. At the ripe old age of four, she will be transferred to a mental institution. It’s terrible to think about. She is healthy. She doesn’t deserve that kind of a life. She deserves a life in a home with a Mommy and a Daddy.
If I could figure out how to leave Bella for the travel required, I’d do it. I’d adopt her. I’d love her and help her to experience all that life offers. I hope there is someone out there that feels like I do. Someone who would travel half way around the world and bring home this sweet girl. It would cost about $25,000 to adopt from this region in Russia. If we were to raise funds for her adoption, the chances are higher she would be adopted. Just think if 250 people each gave $100, we’d be there. If you can, please donate. No child should lay in bed all day until they die. No one should live without love.
It says sponsor. Can we sponsor her and what does that mean in Russia?
I checked with Andrea. It only means that all monies raised will be put towards her adoption.
I wish they had a sponsorship program like in China, but they don't.
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