Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Progress

Bella has been well since December – I simply can’t believe it!  With 2 months to work with, she is developing like crazy.  She went from not being able to distinguish between strangers and familiar faces to showing a distinct preference!  :)  She is making sounds now to say, “Hey you, come talk to me!”  She is amazing!!  Give this kid some healthy time and she’ll take full advantage.  This Mama’s heart is so full!  :)

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I love this picture!!  We are starting to work with Bella on “reading” books and turning pages.  One day while sitting next to Bella, Joy took Bell’s hand and pointed to the red bird.  Someone’s had a lot of therapy!  :)

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We are trying to get Bella upright and “playing” with toys every day.  Doesn’t she look so grown up?



The weather was wonderful and Bella was doing so well that we took her outside.  We just went up and down the driveway, but it was so fun! 

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Sound asleep.  Made me smile  :) 

Lax ligaments – text book example  :)

We got her AFOs and her stander was approved – after only one appeal – WAHOO!  Hoping that will come sooner than later.


Junior said...

Bella looks awesome, so happy to see her doing so well.

Anonymous said...

Wow she is growing and has overcome so much...way to go Bella. Isn't it amazing what they can do when they are healthy??!! :) Hope you make it to 3 months!

Colleen said...

Your little Bella is so cute! I'm looking forward to following your journey. I'm glad she is having healthy and happy days!