Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bella the Beautiful

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Bella wants to be mobile.  She is determined to figure out how to move.  It’s so fun to watch her become.  She has been on the vent more than off lately.   I have been wondering of late what we will be working with once she is off the vent for good.  What will she be like?  A really bad asthma little girl?  Will it slow down her development because she’ll have to spend so much effort and energy breathing?  I’m just worried.  I like where we are.  The future, being unknown, is still frightening to me.

Meanwhile, her PT said to get a walker (the play kind, not the gait trainer).  It gives her another position upright and where she can learn to move her feet and put weight on those little legs.  Enjoy!


My name is Sarah said...

Bella you are so beautiful. And so busy. I love to see you crawling around.

Heather said...

Isn't it strange how comfortable we become in places others could never imagine.Change scares me too.I like status quo sometimes.Underrated.

Our faith has got to see us through the fear.No other choice.

Bella is just beautiful.And slow and steady it goes.

Lacey said...

Its so funny how her and Jax are in similar places. He is doing so much that we never thought he would do.
But the medical stuff is still too scary to think too far into the future!
Way to go Bella!

Anonymous said...

Yea Bella! As inevitable as change is, it's also frightening when you cant see around the corner. You have friends that will be your support, family that will see you through and a Father in Heaven that will carry you when the day seems a bit too long. Bella is a gift, and amazing, strong and resilient gift!