Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Fun Week

Our nurse thought these pants made a great hat – hmmmmm, says BellaIMG_4117IMG_4118

Playing with sisters….Bella is getting to bored of little baby toys.  Time to bring in the big girl stuff!  (You can tell we hadn’t had our bath for the day!)


Working on that standing!


Our family’s trip to the beach

Hey Mom!                                           So excited to come along!IMG_4160IMG_4167

On the ferry                                            My six girls all together!IMG_4169IMG_4175

Hanging out on the couch at the beach house……………so tiring!IMG_4179IMG_4224

Playing on the computer with Sammi…………………..yes?IMG_4128IMG_4129

I will stand up!  I will!                      Outside with Daddy for a second – outside!IMG_4131IMG_4148

Reading with Lizzy………………………..back to my book


Her two greatest loves are Signing Time and books.  Combine them into one….the Signing Time books that I ordered for her came this week.  Wahoo!!IMG_4154IMG_4156


Lacey said...

Signing time books? How cool! I need to get my act together and get Arina some videos! So glad you got away, and Bella seems to be doing fabulous with some time off the vent!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome she is standing...such a great milestone! She is quite the fighter and beautiful little girl - as always! Shelly you certainly inspire me every day!!