Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Bella!

I’m still so very proud of each and every one of your birthdays!  You have amazed and inspired me for so long now, my love.  Happy birthday to our Bella!


We got her a phone – no phone line, but we’ll keep it charged.  Now she can text and talk, just like the nurses.  Hopefully, their phones will be safe now!


She and her sisters loved the ball house.


Gluten free brownies – for me?  Are you sure?  No flame on the candles, but we sure sang.  And then we gave her a piece  - and she licked it -  just like a lollipop.  Cute girl!  For someone who doesn’t eat, licking is good.




How we love you Bella!  You are beautiful and amazing.  I have been thinking of your birth family more than normal this week.  I hope they know you are loved and cherished beyond belief.  I love you big girl.

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