Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

So Far in September

After her accident, her therapists brought over this giant very pink fox.  It now sits on her bed.  We brought donuts to thank them for all of the help they gave us!


Bella got another set of tubes – this time the longer lasting kind.  Hopefully they will last!


Playing in the backyard


We have been keeping a food log of all the food Bella does (and doesn’t) eat.  We’ll see what her dietician says!


Going out to eat


Grandma and Grandpa came to visit.  Saying Good-bye!



Playing with Sammi


Checking out Mom’s new office


Bella is currently obsessed with the show “Barbie, Life in the Dreamhouse.”  But she has a hard time saying  “Barbie.” So to ask for her Barbie show, she’ll bring me something Barbie related  - a Barbie doll, a closet, a car.  She cracks me up!  She has discovered if she sits on the car, she can make it go. :) So funny!

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At a Fall Festival

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Dancing to the music


That cast was supposed to come off on Friday.  There was no way she was going to sit still enough for them to remove it or the pin in her finger.  So Monday morning, we will head to the hospital for a little happy juice and the official removal.  (Here’s hoping it goes well!)

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