Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

This Week in Bella’s Life

Well, she has been bored.  She was not allowed to go to school, so she watched a lot of TV and hung around.

(Back to her shenanigans of trying on everyone’s clothes)


Thursday she was finally allowed to return to school.  Believe it or not from these pictures, she was so, so excited!  She is stuck in this lovely contraption, but her leg is straight!


Friday we went for wound care – we were all so so pleased!  It is looking so much better and healing so nicely!

Restrictions continue until the 14th when we go back to ortho.


Grannie Annie sent Bella some presents for her birthday.  They got lost, but were found.  She was a happy girl!


Love the love between these sisters and their Bella!


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