Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Working Hard and So Cute!

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Bella works so hard in therapy!  This was her best ever!  Pushing up on her arms and standing and then resting with Mom.  She hasn’t done this well in a while, but she still tries.





I felt like Bella would enjoy a TV in her room.  I know, I know, but I did it anyway.  There is only so much to do when you lay in bed all day.  Jason installed this shelf and she was ready.  Here she is enjoying Winnie the Pooh (Becca’s favorite when she was little).  I won 11 Baby Einstein videos on Ebay, so we are all set.  Something else for Bella to do.

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Aunt Kathie got to come and meet Miss Bell.





Finally!  We got Bella some leg warmers.  I have been wanting these since our ICU days. They were a gift from my friend Emily.  Thanks!





Becca introducing Bella to baby dolls.





My sweet, adorable, and chunky little Bella.  We love you so!DSCF0419 DSCF0425


Donna Leavitt said...

Boy, she really is looking roly poly all of a sudden! I hope the new diet helps with her breathing.

Cammie Heflin said...

She looks sooo cute standing up! I love reading about your girls, they both bring so much JOY! :)

Lacey said...

Oh man she looks even more like Jax now that Jax has his trach. His little twin. I'm going to have to get that girl some baby legs.

Anonymous said...

My goodness she is growing and look at her working so hard! It's unbelievable how far she's come. I think she'll love the baby Einstein videos. Such a beauitful little girl!