Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crazy Times

In so many ways Bella is doing fabulously!  She is having her short periods off the vent, so we are able to try new things.  Her OT has been dying to get her into the swing.  We were able to on Tuesday – and she LOVED it!  I had been promising her for over a year that if she would get off the vent, I would get her a baby sling so I could carry her around with me.  She liked that too.  (YEAH for all the good!!!  Yeah, Yeah and Double Yeah!)

But she can’t seem to get her labs figured out.  Monday labs again, Tuesday the frantic call from the doc again, Wednesday more labs.  Those kidneys are not happy with us right now.  But she looks great!  We love you little one!

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Cammie Heflin said...

Woo hoo Bella!!!

Lacey said...

Ok, were did you get that sling? I want one for Makayla. I wanted to carry Jax like that and he never had the head control. So I don't want to miss the chance with Makayla, but I haven't been able to find a good one!

Anonymous said...

I bet she is loving all the new things! Hope you get some answers on those labs...keepin ya on your toes even on the good days! :)