Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I love to take pictures of Bella when she is feeling well….

Bella is FINALLY over the flu.  The docs said it would be about 6 weeks before her lungs recovered.  And they were right.  We are doing 1 hour off twice a day – and she is LOVING it!!  We try to optimize her off vent time.  On Wednesday she started having some green secretions so she is back on antibiotics – here’s hoping that doesn’t become anything.  We are loving having her off and to ourselves!

More time off the vent means more time to play with my family!

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Playing the piano with Miss Earsel

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I’m delighted by what this picture represents!  She finally thinks it’s OK to put things to her mouth!  You should have heard the choirs singing!! We are thrilled!


Bella loves to lick glasses – the cold condensation off the side – and then she wants to put her mouth on the rim of the glass.  She doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do with the glass, but she sees us do it, so she has to try.  :)

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Cammie Heflin said...

Addy does the same thing! So cute!

Lacey said...

Oh my gosh, go Bella go! Tell Jax its ok to put stuff in your mouth, he still won't have it!

Anonymous said...

Shelly I am sorry I have missed all of this...missed seeing bella grow lately, thrive, overcome and bring so much joy. She is precious and growing, my goodness! So glad you made it to Utah to meet Lacey, wish I was still there to have had a moment to meet you too. Your family is beautiful and you are all truly an inspiration to me and she's exactly what I needed today...thank you