Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Monday, April 4, 2011

She’s so happy!

That is what a new nurse said about Bella.  And she is right.  Bella is just happy to be here on Earth. 

IMG_2451The PT wanted to try out the creepster – she wasn’t pleased.  What are you doing?  Why are you trapping me in this thing?  We’ll have to come up with another way to teach her to crawl.  Her spio pants and lift came.  So far they haven’t made any difference on that right leg – she just won’t bear any weight on IMG_2459it.   

Now swinging – that is something she loves, loves, loves!

Hanging out with the family – love ya babe.


Thankfully we got to start our antibiotics again on Thursday and everything is starting to clear up in those lungs again.  Two weeks on is great – two weeks off is a little too long.  Looking forward to all of this pollen settling down so she can won’t have to work so hard and will be able to get off the vent more.


My name is Sarah said...

Hi Bella, It's me Sarah. I can't believe how big you are getting. You love your swings. Happy spring.

ParkerMama said...

Parker hated the creepster too!

Anonymous said...

Yes she is can see that written all over her beautiful face! Love you Bella!