Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

She’s Back!

Her nurses and I are astonished!  She recouped so quickly!  Welcome back smiley girl!

Swinging – she was delighted to go outside!

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The joy of discovery – a slinky!

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Watching TV in the big room!  Wonder what she is signing?  She is definitely concentrating on Miss Rachel!

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Checking out a lunch box – so cool, and look, I can sit on it!

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Laying in bed with sissy (it only lasted a moment, but it was so cute!)oct 16 028

OT – playing with a lollipop and the mirror

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I am so delighted with myself!

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oct 16 083Almost two weeks of no weight bearing had it’s effects, no weight on that right leg again.  Oh well, if that is our only set back from this sickness, I’ll take it! 






From OT, wearing her inline passy muir valve.  She hasn’t done that in a long time.  She was having so much fun playing with her voice.


Cammie Heflin said...

I have got to find time to come to Texas!

Heather said...

And I am coming with Cammie!! Seriously, I love this child. That smile. That courage and determination. I love every bit of your girl. She is truly a wonder.

And the hair cut?? I missed that and had to scroll down and read. How did I miss that?? Looks darling, just darling.

So happy she bounced back so effortlessly. Your mommy heart must be beyond, beyond happy!

Much love from California.