Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bella’s Week

Still fighting it, but getting better!

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Signing time – our nurse came up with this arrangement with the boppi pillow – keeps her hands free for signing!     Joy’s teacher sent home some YouTube songs that the kids like.  Bella LOVED them! 

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OK, ok, I am so excited!  Brace yourself…first steps!  She can pull herself up if she holds onto my legs.  So I took a step backward, and another….and she did it!! She brought her feet forward – one at a time!  I know it’s not a true first step, but it’s such a big deal!  We didn’t know if this day would ever come!  I was almost crying – there was definitely water in my eyes!  Wahoo baby girl!  Wahoo!!

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What?  Why are you acting like that Mama?  Smile



Brushing my hair!  Smile

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beginning to walk....amazing! Keep it up Bella! Hope she is feeling ok too.
