This is the message that Maureen, Arabella’s nurse, left on my cell phone Wednesday morning. We were going home! I was so excited! This post is full of pictures – pictures of the dear people that kept our sweet girl alive for 85 days. They dearly love Arabella. They have our thanks and gratitude for all of their care. We are grateful that they held and loved on Arabella during that long, long stay in the NICU. THANK YOU – truly and completely!
Saddleback Memorial Hospital, Arabella’s home for her first 85 days.
These are some of the dear nurses that cared for Arabella. I know of at least two people that came in on their days off to say good-bye to our sweet girl.

Saddleback has this crazy rule that mothers have to be wheeled out to their cars when their babies are discharged. So, I had to be wheeled out – crazy, I was never even a patient there. :)
Two of Arabella’s doctors. She was blessed to have such capable care.
In the car, Mama and baby. And Ann and Arabella. I have to admit that these wonderful people love our sweet girl so much – and she knows it. She would turn her head to their voices. How blessed we are that she was surrounded by such love. Ann bought this ladybug for Miss Arabella’s car seat. Thank you Ann. You are kind.

Then we were off to the airport! Arabella and I returned the rental car. Michele and Octavia helped me get all my bags from the car to the check-in. I am grateful for this kindness and the trust that Michele and William have in Jason and I to raise their daughter. She is a beautiful gift. She will always be loved.
After checking our baggage and saying good-bye to Michele and Octavia, we had TSA to deal with. Our sweet nurses had drawn up all of Arabella’s medications in little individual bags, so that all I had to do was grab the appropriate bag and feed Arabella. This was such a life saver during the trip – thanks ladies! The TSA had no problem with any of the medications or formula bottles. I am so grateful.
I feed Arabella in three airports that day – Orange County, Phoenix, and Houston. Arabella slept through both flights. I, on the other hand, prayed very hard.

Daddy and Arabella getting reacquainted at the Houston airport.
My poor Mother-in-law stayed up till after 1 AM so that she could meet her new granddaughter.

What a busy day! I am so grateful to be home.
Thank you to everyone who made that possible!