Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sometimes it strikes me….

This is our life.  It’s how we live.  It’s our normal.  Most of the time I don’t see the machines and the millions of forms.  They are just part of the background of the room.  But sometimes I look and see advanced life support in my living room and it hits me that this isn’t normal.  These are a blessing.  This beautiful child lives because of this machinery.  I am grateful for the technology and for her life.IMG_8466IMG_8465IMG_8440IMG_8445IMG_8447IMG_8458


Lacey said...

It amazes me that we were so concerned about him when he was intubated, and considered critical Now he is on a vent at home, so I think, does that mean he lives critical?

Colleen said...

Our mini hospital seems so normal to us now, but sometimes it strikes me when people come over or when we go out. She is so adorable!

Anonymous said...

We are all blessed with the modern miracles and all that our sweet children have come through. Bella is a strength I have never known...she amazes us all as do you!! Loves to you guys and Happy Halloween!

Heather said...

Look at your girl ... smiling despite it all.The true face of courage and a blessing like no other.