ICU is obviously not my favorite place to be, nor is it Bell's. She is on high alert here. Every sound, every person freaks her out. She had another EKG and they attempted an ECHO. I'm not expecting much from the ECHO. She was fighting against them so much.
My Mom came to visit which was nice. It is nice to not be alone here. To not be alone with my thoughts and memories.
The kid next to us is where Bell was five years ago. Vent, nitric, he's not in a good place. Oh, this place in full of memories.
Meanwhile, my baby girl is doing OK all things considered. I'm hoping we'll be out of here by tomorrow. Her left lung is involved now, and her eyes look dazed and sick, but I'm thinking she really just needs lots of time and rest to beat this. Fight on brave girl, fight on.

1 comment:
Oh baby girl, get the heck out of there, okay?
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