Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bad Air Day

A couple of days ago, Bella was struggling.   She had the strangest symptom.  Besides the respiratory, she eyes were watering and her eyelids were bright red.  The nurse and I had no idea what was going on.  Then I walked outside.  It was like someone had set up a camp fire outside my house – there was smoky air everywhere.  What was no big deal to the rest of us, was a very big deal to our little Miss.  We turned off the AC (just sucking in the outside air) and put her on oxygen.  Her room air purifier was running the whole day.  Benadryl helped some.  Sweet thing.  Now the outside air is better and so is she.  One more thing to keep in my radar.


Lacey said...

Is there a fire around you? Or just yucky air? We had a fire haze a couple of weeks ago and it was horrible.

Junior said...

Junior has the same problem. Hope it stays clear and bella is feeling better.

Cammie Heflin said...

Bless her heart! She's like my Addy, she keeps us on our toes!

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. Oh dear. I don't know if this will happen to you, but within a few years my airway became almost as sensitive as Sarah's. It has really helped me keep her out of irritating situations. Campfires have always been really hard for Sarah, but being a Girl Scout they were so much fun, so I would treat her before, during and after just for preventative purposes.

Anonymous said...

Hate the summer fire air! She needs some good, clean utah mountain air!:) Yuck! Hope she has a good day today!