Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Nap Nanny is Here!

Wahoo!  Good-bye aspiration!

sept 2 007 

We chose yellow to match her room.  Thank you Grandma!


Junior said...

that is great, I have heard lots of good things about the nap nanny.

Anonymous said...

yea!! Love all the new seems to make all the difference! Look at her smile...she is precious...all of your girls are!

Lacey said...

For some reason your blog wasn't updating on mine. I've missed the last couple of posts. Were did you get that cool stroller? Thats even cooler than Jax's. The napnanny has been a godsend for us.

My name is Sarah said...

Oh we love all the new stuff for Bella. She looks so happy.

Heather said...

I like Lacey,didn't have these updates.Wow... lots of stuff happening!Nap Nanny is perfect and even though I voted for pink,yellow is better.And all the equipment,wow again.Everything is great and is going to make life so much easier all around.I love that you could take a walk around the block and I love Pappa eating with his girl.My favorite picture is her smiling in her crib .. that is one happy little girl you have.

Shari said...

That little item is such a blessing to so many. I am so glad Grandma was able to help you get one.

mommapainter said...

This is so wonderful. Now your life begins again. Krystal