Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lest ye were worried…

DSCF0265She seems to be on the mend….oxygen requirements are coming down.  She was even feeling a little playful by dinner time.  Becca got her out of bed and put her in the tomato.  Yeah Bella!  Keep on fighting my sweet girl!



Lacey said...

Thats Bella, super baby. With Jax getting the trach, I just had a weird question. If their vented like Bella when they are awake, do they fight the vent that is breathing for them?

Jeana said...

Yea Bella. Keep it up little girl.

Cammie Heflin said...

She looks wonderful! Glad she's feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting sweet baby! Fight your way back to healthy, 100% healthy and fight to stay there. We love you and pray for you every night! xo