Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We are home!  What an exciting day!  There are so many wonderful people to thank!  Thank you for loving my baby.  Thank you for keeping her alive and helping her to heal. 

july 7 001 july 7 002 

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The ambulance came at 10AM!  I was so excited and mildly terrified!

july 7 007   july 7 010

july 7 011 july 7 012 july 7 013 july 7 014  july 7 016 july 7 017

Home in her own bed.

july 7 018 july 7 019 july 7 020

Hey Daddy!  I’m home!


Juli said...

Oh Shelly, she looks just perfect there in her crib!

Congratulations on a safe return home with your precious miracle girl!

Praying for you to have many blissful days ahead!

All my love,
"Miss" Juli

Shasta said...

IT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO BELLA! Anyone who doesn't believe in God's miracles doesn't know Bella!

Blarney Girl said...


Heather said...

"Peace - that was the other name for home." ~Kathleen Norris

I used this quote on the day we brought Zoey home from her last round of chemo,June the 2nd to be exact.My wish and prayer for you all,on this most joyous day,is that complete peace fills your hearts as you have finally reached this amazing day.And in your moments of stress and uncertainty as you begin your new normal,may you turn to Him when that peace seems to be elusive.We are thrilled.We are thankful.We are filled with great hope for the future that awaits you all.Congratulations!!

Marissa Sutherland said...

I am so thrilled for you all! My kiddos are begging to have your girls over since they are back from Utah! I told them that we need to let you have family time together - but we will call in a few days and see if the girls want to come and play! As always - let me know if there is anything that I can do for you all... I am only 2 minutes away! Love you guys!

Junior said...

Welcome home, we are so happy to hear that Arabella is home in her own bed.

Gabriela said...

I'm so glad to read this!
All my best wishes!

Baileybuds said...

We are SO happy for you Bella!! You are such a little miracle! Someday I'll get to see you and give you lots of kisses and a big hug!
Aunt Angie & the boys

JUST A MOM said...

Doing the happy dance!!!!


Lacey said...

Look at her looking around like, where am I. I'm so excited for you and for her. Home sweet home.

Shari said...

She is right where she should be! At HOME with you all. I am excited for you! I will also continue praying as you adjust to all her new med devices etc. She is one adorable dolly!

Anonymous said...

I have chills right exciting, wonderful, crazy, scary and perfect...SHE IS HOME...right when sweet Bella belongs, with all of you! Have you thought about finishing her first day with a father's blessing. i told Kurt he needs to come home tonight and give Preslie one...she is still NOT sleeping, not my baby! It has me really worried. If a 'blessing' doesn't work, I am not sure what to do next. happy this day is here..happy for you all and cannot wait to share the next stretch of the journey with your sweet family!!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful to see her home where she belongs!

Kari Blenderman

Johanna schaut in die Welt ... said...

Wir are glad very much - you are at home and Bella can join the familiylife! Have a good time together! Best wishes, Johanna and family.

Angi said...

Yay for Bella, been following her blog for a bit..have to say I had a few tears at seeing her arrival back home!!!

Kristin said...

Yay!!!!!!!! We're so happy that Bella is home. I love the picture of her daddy smiling at her in the crib--precious. I hope you get to enjoy having her at home for a long time now!

datri said...

I have tears in my eyes seeing her in her own crib. :-)

Cammie Heflin said...

YEAH!!! She looks so beautiful! She is going to thrive even more being home!

Stephanie said...

I am soooo happy for you all! Prayers for an uneventful adjustment period. :)


Steph and Christopher

Anonymous said...

Shelly & Family:)

O my goodness congrats, little Bella has gone home to her family:) She looks great and I wish her the very best on her growth and development. My daughter often asks how she is doing & I show her the blog. She thinks she is absolutely the most beautiful little one:) Have a wonderful week & weekend.

Saddleback NICU:)

Anonymous said...

That's the best news EVER!!! Congrats Shelly and Jason, and of course Arabella for this giant have a wonderful life ahead of you filled with lots of joy! We've been watching your progress and praying every day that you'd get to go home soon. Finally our prayers have been answered.
Tons of love ~ William, Michele and Octavia