Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


july 5 001

OnFriday, we convinced the nurses to let my little brother come into the unit and meet Bella. (No kids, except siblings allowed.  Nathan was here to pick up my sister from her surgery on her femur.)   july 5 068



This is how I found Bella this morning.  :)  At least she got to wear her 4th of July outfit, but what’s up with that hair?  They must have partied hard up here last night – she has slept all morning.  :)

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Then later in the bouncy chair after her bath and care .  It’s always slow up here on the weekends, but this is a holiday weekend – even slower.  :)  Bella is doing well.  We are still go for Tuesday!  I figure every uneventful hour is just more time for her to build up her strength.  I want this trip home to last this time – more than just a few days like before.


Cammie Heflin said...

Yeah! I still think she looks adorable with her hair!

Lacey said...

We're looking forward to Tuesday too. I remember taking Jax home after 4 long months. The hospital was seperating conjoined twins on the same day so there were cameras everywhere. We were like, look, they came to see us home. Yah, right. The true hero's never get the limelight.

Tiffany said...

Bella is looking really well in her recent pictures and I agree that you fix her hair so cute! How wonderful that you are planning to bring her home on Tuesday. I'm hoping for the best for her. What a sweet little girl!

Anonymous said...

Love the 4th of july hair! :) She looks like she is ready to go home! :) Glad they let your brother into see her this weekend! Kurt and I fasted for sweet Bella today, so hopefully our prayers and fast was heard and Tuesday is your families perfect day!

mommapainter said...

Tomorrow! She has come so far.