Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Sept 28 007We spent all day at TCH today and managed to stay out patient!  Yeah!  Now, her vent settings were increased and she has orders to go to the ER if she needs any more O2.  Her chest x-ray showed some small pneunomias developing at the base of her lungs.  She does not have RSV, and her quick response is negative for swine flu.  They are beginning to think the gag, choke, vomit is just anatomical – that it’s just Bella.  They are going to talk to her surgeon, but it may just be part of her life. 

On the weighter side of things, Miss Bella is getting a little chubby – a lot chubby.  She has gained 0.5 kg in 10 days.  This is pretty normal for a failure to thrive baby.  They work so hard pouring calories into their little bodies and one day their little body goes, oh, this is what you want me to do.  So our calories have been decreased.  We also had to bring out the 6-9 month old clothes!  :)

Sept 28 006

Sept 28 002


Anonymous said...

So glad she stayed 'out-patient' today, but hoping it stays that way. Fight sweet Bella. HOpe those lungs clear up for that sweet baby girl! She's sure growing...yeah Bella!

Lacey said...

Yeah for staying outpatient. She definitely looks chubby. She's so sweet.

Hua said...

Hey Shelly,

I'm glad you were able to stay out patient.

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