Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines for Arabella

Jason is at the hospital today, while I spend time with the other girls before the big day.

Jason writes:

Well Bella has received a few valentines from her sisters, so we are proudly displaying them for her to look at.

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She looks good today and is fairly awake. She is still taking her Augmenten for the strep and is fed through the ng tube for all current feedings. Of course she gets all her diaretics and digoxin. It looks like right now they are making sure her Oxygen saturation and her respiratory rate are the things being most watched as we wait for the surgery that is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday.

Be Strong Bella!

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We Love Ya.

(oh and have a great Valentines Day)


Shasta said...

I love her hair!!!! Just because you're in a hospital doesn't mean you can't be cute right??

Johanna schaut in die Welt ... said...

Our best wishes for the next days and the OP.
Irina with Johanna, DS.