Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bella at Home

july 11 003 july 11 005 july 11 006 july 11 008 july 11 021 july 11 034 july 11 036 july 11 039

It’s pretty intense here at home, but I am glad we are here.


My name is Sarah said...

Happy tears here in Ohio. Such a beautiful sight seeing Bella at home. We pray for many peaceful nights and continued strength and growth for the sweet girl. It is so precious to see the sisters helping out with her care. God bless you all.

Lacey said...

First of all, love the vent pole used for holding lady bug, great idea. Do you take her off the vent for a while every day? It looks like in some pics she just has the trach mask.

Shasta said...

I love ALL the pics. Esp the ones of Bella and Joy. The way that Joy looks at Bella you would think they have been sisters forever. We continue to pray for healing, peace, and sanity for your family :)

Anonymous said...

What great photos of her at home...don't you love saying that...bella is home with her family!! So excited for you and sweet Bella. Do you or will you take her to church with you?? Have a great Sunday my friend!!

FBF Rothkopf said...

Hooray!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for all of yoU!

Tiffany said...

Love the pictures...I'm so glad Bella is home! I'm sure she is getting lots of love and help from her big sisters! :)