Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

We might just make it….

Today is 11 days since discharge – the longest we have EVER been out of the hospital – and this is our girl…..

I think we just might make it!

There are still a million things that I am freaking out about and still trying to figure out, but the important thing is Bella is doing well!  Way to go little one!


Anonymous said...

I think you will make it! One day at a time, but with all you have on your side...a strong little girl that is a courageous fighter, great family, a loving HEavenly Father, Blog friends that love you'll make it! Love the sweet smile from see that and you know it will all be OK!

Shasta said...

She is beautiful. I am so jealous of her hair. At her age I was still bald. Oh the girls will have so much fun putting pixies and braids in her hair!

Anonymous said...

awwww how sweet! I just love that tongue. My Emmie is the exact same way lol She is so beautiful and is really growing up fast. I know you are adopting her right? Do yall have a final date set yet? Give her lots of huggles and germ free slobbers from us. Come by and say hello soon.

Maria said...

Such a hard time for you, your familiy and her - going through all the difficulties - and she is a strong fighter. Hopefully the hard times are behind you with a sunny future. So good to see her smiling!
It makes me very happy to see these pictures!

Cammie Heflin said...

Aw! What a beautiful smile! I am so glad that you are home and getting settled! It will get easier, what a blessing home is!

Lacey said...

Love the hair, did you rub a balloon on her head? I saw that little smile come through. She is soo cute, I just want to hold her. She going to continue to do great, I just know it, and she'll be off that vent soon.

Heather said...

Oh,you are so going to make it.You are already getting into the groove of things and that sweet little love continues to amaze and astound and show you the way.she looks fabulous.Just fabulous.