Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

There’s No Place Like Home!

We are home!  I am so grateful.august 23 001

Her hair is getting so long!!






In the hospital and then home at last….

august 23 007 august 23 016

Our night nurse pulled me aside and asked me if I understood that Bella is a very sick little girl.  Yes, I understand that and I cherish every moment she is in our home.


Heather said...

Take in home.Focus on that and forget the rest.It is all about the moments.But I think you know that already.Kisses and prayers all around.

Junior said...

Welcome Home, hugs

My name is Sarah said...

There's no place like home:) Thinking of you all.

Cammie Heflin said...

So glad you are home with your angel, it makes things so much better!

Anonymous said...

Look at her!! So beautiful, so precious in every way. So glad you have all found your way back home. Prayers that it stays just that way!

Jeana said...

I'm so glad you are home, where you belong.

Juli said...

Sorry I missed you on Thursday and Friday, but I am so glad you made it home safely.

That sick little girl is a great littler fighter, with a very mighty God behind her!

All my love and prayers!
Miss Juli

Lacey said...

Did you tell that nurse, thanks for reminding me of something I already know. She looks beautiful and she's home. What more could you ask for, right?