Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What to do with that cute tummy

We are back from the Upper GI and it shows exactly what I’ve been saying – her fundo is not working.  They had 120 cc’s of barium all ready to go to really test her little tummy.  It was not needed – after 15 cc’s the barium shot straight up her esophagus and into her oral cavity.  Now, what will they do about it?  Talking to the attending we have two options.  1. Try to re-do the redone fundoplication. (Third times the charm?) or 2. Get a J-peg.  I need to do more research, but from what I understand, her g-button goes straight into her tummy and a J-peg goes straight into the small intestines.  There are pros and cons to both.  I am talking to a lot of people.  We’ll see.

Her OT and PT here have reclaimed her.  She has her moving pictures on the ceiling again.  Overall, it’s going well.  The antibiotics and additional steroids are helping her pneumonia.  She hasn’t had a thing to eat since Sunday night’s feeding, so they are really pushing pedi. surgery to hurry up and decide what to do so she can either get TPN or something.

Everyone can’t believe how big she is getting!  6.9 kg and 62 cm

august 18 001


My name is Sarah said...

Oh dear, Sarah and I are trying to catch up on our reading from being at camp. We do not like to see sweet Bella back in the hospital. I have no knowledge to share on this recent ordeal as we somehow missed this complication. WE will certainly pray for the best outcome. Hugs to all of you.

Heather said...

I clicked on the picture so I could enlarge it to stare at sweet Bella because she sure is sweet.Even sick she is still darling.Commented to Lacey,she was here for a visit with Jax,that I wondered if Bella's Fundo was intact.I had a feeling it wasn't.Praying for quick resolution and that your be heading home before long.Love from California.

Junior said...

Prayers that you can get things figured out quick.
After Junior's pneumonia back in April we had a GJ-tube placed. have they suggested trying that. It goes through the same hole as the G tube and is done in radiology under only mild sedation. The button then has 2 ports, one into the J and one into the G.