Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Roller Coaster

Life with Bella is uncertain, much like a roller coaster.  There are the good times and there are the bad times, but always there is the love.  We love you Bella!

Right now is a good time.  Bella is doing great!  Her pneumonia is gone.  Now that she is eating directly in her small intestines, she is no longer refluxing, therefore no longer aspirating.  I wonder how much energy she was using just on GERD and aspirations because my baby hasn’t even been home a week and look at what she is doing…….

aug 28 004


She rolled over!!!!!!!

She is having tummy time – for the first time in her almost 10 months of life.


I can’t believe it!  She rolled.  She is kicking her legs.  She is moving her arms.  She is acting like a baby!  She lifted her head.  She no longer sleeps all day long.  Is this my baby?  My Arabella?  WAHOO girl!

She is getting off the vent – we are up to 2 hours a day – and sating in the upper 90s.  This kid had double pneunomia last week?  You are amazing kid!

Some super sweet pictures:aug 28 001aug 28 008aug 28 005aug 28 012


Junior said...

So happy that Bella is doing well.
Way to go Bella, rolling over is a big accomplishment.

Unknown said...

Go Bella go! So HAPPY to hear she is rolling. How exciting. She is such a little beauty. I love looking at her pictures.

Cammie Heflin said...

Precious! She is such a doll and Joy looks so happy playing with her sister!

Lacey said...

I'm tearing all up right now. It doesn't help when my Paul Cardall is playing in the background. I just can't believe how amazing our kids are. How they jump back from illness. They are truly an inspiration.

Jeana said...

She looks so good, so beautiful. I'm so glad you're on the good part of the rollercoaster.

Heather said...

Showing us all once again what a fighter she is.She looks fantastic and rolling?Wow!!Love the last picture of her eyes ... they tell a great story those eyes.Prayers for more of this part of the ride.

Anonymous said...

WOW...oh sweet Bella, showing us all how it's done...without giving up, with faith, courage and strength...wonderful post to read...what a great, PERFECT way to end the day! Way to go Bella!

Blarney Girl said...

Of course she's a fighter...she's a TURPIN!! :D