Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Active Bug

Our Bella Bug is fairly active.  She is more awake now and the sedation meds don’t have as much affect.  She seems to be doing fairly well.  They are also reducing her sedation meds by half.

We did get the first trach change.  actually not a change yet on the tube but the surgeon came and removed briefly to check how she is healing and doing.  She is doing well and has the sutures removed and also is off of fresh trach precautions.

We are working to get her ready to move to PCU once she can get to the point of not needing the ICU care.  Hopefully within a couple days or so.


My name is Sarah said...

Wonderful news. May the blessings continue so you can get to PCU soon.

Lacey said...

Wow, graduating out of PICU is a big deal, you go girl.

mommapainter said...

That is great! No fever either. You are on your way.... Maybe they will have better chairs for you in PCU. :)