Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I feel like we are living in two different worlds – besides home and hospital life – Bella just isn’t doing that great.  Her vent settings keep getting turned up.  She hasn’t been on these settings since before her surgeries.  The PCU docs keep telling me if she doesn’t turn around, she’ll have to go back down stairs.  We have done another STAT chest x-ray.  We’ll see what it says.

On the other hand, we are in the PCU – trach teaching land.  I am learning all about trach care and suctioning.   I am being quizzed about my plans at home.  I answer the questions with what I’ve figured out, but part of me is screaming – she’s breathing at 90 breathes per minute, why do we care?  Anyway, we finished her room last night.  I’ll have to post some pictures when I get home.  It is cute and functional – perfect for Bella.  I just really hope we can use it…..sooner than later.

Becca and Bellamay 31 054


Caleb T Ricks said...

ope you get to use that room much sooner than later. I wish there was understanding of why she goes up and down so much. Love ya lots, Kathie

Junior said...

Keeping your precious Arabella in our prayers.

Lacey said...

I'm so sorry your having a bad day. I remember going to floor for a while, getting worse, doing the stat x-rays and gases, and ending up running back down to PICU. I wonder why she having respitory issues again. I can't wait to see her room.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers with you as you continue this journey...she is so beautiful!