Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Doctors have rounded

The pulmonologist came around and was surprised to see her vent settings – they are pretty high. Her chest x-ray looks worse than yesterday. He says she has an pneumonia. Poor little one.

I have now seen the x-ray myself. Her right lung is about 5/6 opaque. They are going to suction her. They are just adding bi-carbonate to the equation to help thin the mucus. She will desat because she’s Bella. We’ll see.

Unfortunately, she desated into the 70s (of course) – at least it wasn’t the 60s like yesterday. It’s been almost 2 hours and she’s still recovering. At least they didn't have to place the chest tube they ordered into the room. But did it work? Not really. They weren’t able to get anything right away and now there is all that extra liquid in her lung that will have to be suctioned out later when she recovers. What a vicious cycle!


debra said...

I'm truly sorry that Arabella and you have to go through this. Love, Mama

mommapainter said...

Oh Bella, We were running around doing the dance company thing and I didn't even realize things had taken such a turn. We will amp up our prayers. Hang in there Shelly you are the perfect mother to see your little angle through this crisis. Love you,

Gabriela said...

Oh je, es tut so weh, und ich schicke euch soviel Licht, wie ich nur kann.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you...always. Fight on Bella...fight hard sweet girl!