Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Friday, April 17, 2009

This Morning

Bella finally stabilized.  She did not need the oscillator after all.  Thank goodness.  She did spike a fever last night of 103.2.  She is currently 99.5.  RSV and flu cultures came back negative.  She did grow some gram strains (or is it gram stains)  from her ET tube.  (I, for one, am not surprised.  She has always grown something in her tube every time she has been intubated.)  She fought the vent until she was paralyzed, so they will give her another 24 hours of being paralyzed.  Her lungs do sound better this AM.  They are going to work on weaning her NO as she doesn’t seem to need it.  She also lost her aterial line.  It lasted all of about 2 hours.

The junk they are pulling out of her lungs looks like it could be food particles.  They are going to go ahead and do the fundoplication.  This will tighten the muscle at the top of her stomach so hopefully she won’t reflux and aspirate.  It they start the process now, it should happen next week some time when she is better.

Right now her job is to ride this wave and get over this crisis. What a strong little girl you are Bella!

And thank you everyone for your kind comments.  Y’all have brought me to tears many times with your kind words and encouragement.  I really appreciate it!


My name is Sarah said...

Oh great news today!!

Heather said...

Have come a couple of times this morning looking for updates ... glad to find,what appears to be good stuff on this check in.Zoey had the "wrap",along with her g-tube placement as well.A nice safety feature when kids are aspirating.Bella is doing an amazing job of fighting her way through each obstacle and I just know she will continue that trend because it is who she is and what she is made of and blessed with is her indomitable spirit,her resiliency and her desire to be here, that will help her find her way.And before long ... find her way home.Slow and steady Miss Bella ....

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear there is an improvement. Our little one's are such strong, resilient spirits...fight on Bella...fight hard sweet girl. I pray you will all feel peace and things will continue to improve and the doctors will know exactly what to do!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!. We will continue to pray for Bella and for your family.:)

Mom and Grandma said...

Prayers are heard and answered once again. So glad you keep up with the updates, I check every time I am on the computer.
Kathy P.