Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


june 18 001Today I decided she could wear clothes.  I looked through her dresser and found something with snaps for all the wires and tubes.  I think she looks wonderful!  It was the hit of rounds.  :)

The doctor is playing with her diuretics again.  Hopefully we will find a couple that everyone will like.  Her potassium is low and she was positive over 200.  Her weight is down to 5.08 kilos, but she was NPO (just IV fluids and meds) for half the day – for 2 days in a row.  The doctor reiterated to me that she needs to gain weight.  They have her up to 110 calories with the 30 KCal formula and the extra protein and the extra oil.  It’ll come with time.

And I found out yesterday that Apria, the medical supply company we have been using, isn’t in network.  Oops!  So I have a hefty bill for that feeding pump, pulse ox, and oxygen tanks that have been sitting in my house since April not being used.  Oh well – teach me to ask more questions!

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Jessi holding Bella


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Jessi and Bella snuggling


Lacey said...

Sheesh, doesn't your insurance direct you to who you need to use? She looks beautiful in clothes. I will have to send her some baby legs to wear while she is there. They are our favorite hospital clothes.

Heather said...

She looks cozy and beautiful.Something about having them dressed.Makes them look a bit less vulnerable.I agree with Lacey on the baby legs too.Miss Zoey has quite the collection.Perfect for tubes and lines and such.The weight will come.Time is about the only solution for that.Kisses to the sweet love.

Junior said...

she looks just precious in her clothes. Oh yes the baby legs are great. Junior took forever to gain weight but with time it came and now he is my little chunk.
lots of prayers.

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous all dressed! That's nice that Jess is able to hold her and snuggle her. I am sure Bella loves it just as much! It took forever for our little P to start gaining too, but look at her now, she has made up for it, rolls and all! :)

Cammie Heflin said...

She looks darling! I'm gonna have to get some baby legs for Addy too, I'm sure we'll be in again sometime!