Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Sweet Bella.  Her doctor had a talk with her today.  Maybe it will help.  The gains we made when her fever spiked are gone.  Oh well.  She is bradying more often.  The doctor wants to keep her up here in PCU as long as possible.  They keep working with the nursing staff to make it more like the ICU – vitals more often, that kind of thing.  He did tell me that she isn’t going anywhere (home) anytime soon.  We have to go slow and let Bella dictate the path.  If we push her too much, she’ll go backwards.

Jason and I have our trach care class today where we will get formal instruction on all kinds of things.  It is one more requirement before going home.

My body is letting me know that things have gone on for long enough now.  I am tired – on every level.  Our sweet Child Life Specialist dropped by to see Bella and got me talking.  Poor thing.  I teased her  - I thought you were a Child Life specialist.  She is really kind.  She asked if I wanted to speak to the chaplain or if we had our own Pastor coming up.  We’ll get through.

Fun pictures from yesterday by Sammi, my photographer:

I got to hold her!!!               PT – getting a different view of the worldjune 4 001 june 4 002

Bella’s hand and foot – I love these!!june 4 003 june 4 004

Sammi’s hand  and posing with the models in their drying boxes june 4 006 june 4 007  








Two of Bella’s doctors next to the Distraction Station.  The projector is on the top.  Sammi loved playing with this toy!june 4 009


My name is Sarah said...

Sweet Arabella and her dear family. My how you all have pulled together to give Bella the best care, armloads of love, tender adoring kisses and strong support so she may have a fighting chance. My prayers continue for your strength and for the healing of her little body.

debra said...

So, what can we do to help you? I know Kris takes care of the girls and I can't come up and watch Arabella - I don't have the knowledge and it leads to more problems. That leads us to can you take some time off? Stay home and visit after noons? You need a break or you will break. Suggestions, anyone who has been here? Mama

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you got to hold her today! My husband and I will put her name on the prayer roll friday for you!

Heather said...

Moving on autopilot,going through the motions,catches up to you after awhile.At some point you cant ignore the very clear messages your body is sending you.If you do not take care of you,you know you won't be able to take care of Bella.You and your family are ding an amazing job.Giving to Bella every ounce you have to ensure she finds home soon.I will say rest but having been there myself,I doubt you'll listen.But try.Bella most likely has 1:1 or 1:2 care ration so you COULD take a bit of a break from time to time,knowing she is more than being taken care of.Prayers to you and most especially sweet Bella.Praying for consistent steps forward and healing to her precious body.

Lacey said...

I absolutely love the mold of her foot, I need to do that with Jax. She looks so beautiful sitting up. I definitly think holding her helps them get better, how would it be to be stuck in a bed 24/7 when your a baby.

Claudia said...

You are tough ladies you are. Sending prayers to you!
As Heather said, please please try to get some rest because the hard work will start once Bella is feeling better! At least at the moment there is always someone taking care of her...what do I tell, I walked the thin line as well and laughed about everybody telling me that I probably need some rest...I wish I could give you some help.


Kristin said...

Those hand and foot prints are precious! It is very understandable that you are so tired. I'll keep praying for Bella and for you to have the necessary strength and to get the rest you need.