Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One Giant Step

june 23 006Today we put Bella on her home vent!  It was a little touchy at first.  Her heart rate went up and her respiration rate went up, but she was still sating beautifully.  Evidently all vents feel a little different, so it takes a little time to get used to it.

june 23 001Bella looked so good this morning!  She was in the best mood.  She even smiled – a rare occasion.  I’m hoping to catch one of these fleeting beautiful moments on film one of these days.  It is beautiful!

 june 23 002


Bella asleep – she likes to kick off her blankets.  :)



june 23 004


   Laugh if you will, but in addition to the discharge chart, I have my own list of goals written on the wall.  It has helped.  Today in rounds the Attending told me that one of the doctors has agreed to be her Primary Intensivist – like a Primary Care Doctor here.  Wahoo!  Someone that will be consistent.  We will still have a new Attending every three or four days, but they will answer to this consistent doctor.  I am excited about this.  I’m hoping it will help.

Oh, and they are talking about increasing her calories from 110 to 140 or 150.  We’ll see.  She did gain last night.  She’s now at  5 kg.  Consistent weight gain, baby.  That’s what we need.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Hope one day we can see a smile too in the photos, but smile or not she really is an angel. Isn't it amazing all that they endure, and how much they teach us each day.

Shari said...

She is one cute little gal! I have been praying for her and will continue to do so. I love her little pigtails! Darling she is!