Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Monday, June 15, 2009


New Attending, new plan.  Big sigh.

Oh well.  Bella is a little grouchy today.  She isn’t feverish, but she isn’t happy either.  Poor baby.  She hasn’t had a bowel movement in 2 days, so we are going to get a little help in that department here very soon.  Hopefully that will help.

Her liver and kidneys are sending out subtle signals – so we will watch those.

June 15 001


I tried to catch her newest trick, but she is too fast for me!  She kicks her foot and hits her ladybug!  Yeah!


  June 15 003


Today Juli and Jessi made a mobile.  They printed pictures from our blogs and added either quotes from the blogs or scriptures.  Jessi drew some pictures and they had a beautiful mobile.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that she will kick the ladybug! Go sweet Bella! What a cute sweet! Our prayers are with you that it all will work out as it should and she will be HOME with you soon and OFF the vent! Pray pray pray then leave the rest upto Heavenly Father. Thoughts are with you and MIss Bella!

Lacey said...

I would be cranky to if I needed to poop. I would love to see the lady bug kick.

Heather said...

How about Miralax and colace.Probably have tries those but Zoey needs to have those two as part of the daily routine.Just a suggestion.Okay Bella .. rebound from this a string along some more great days.You did get the memo about going home,didn't you?Prayers continue here ...