Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Plan

The pulmonologists just left.  They have spoken with the Attending and would like to continue to try and wean the PEEP.  They want to do a broncialscope (probably spelled wrong).  They will go down and look at her airway and see once and for all if she has broncial malasia.  They also would like to try a HCT – I think that stands for humidified collar trial.  That is where they take her off the vent and see her “work of breathing.”  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to not have to be on a vent all the time?  We’ll see. 

Add in the hearing test and the button and we should have a busy next 2 weeks.  But…the exciting part is 2 weeks.  I have heard 2 weeks for 6 weeks now.  But the difference now is that I’m starting to hear the same things from different sources – wahoo!  The pulmonologist said he’d like to see us leave here at 3 months – July 8th.  A new day to circle on my calendar!


Anonymous said...

July will be a GREAT day! I will keep that day in my prayers and in my heart. So glad everyone is working together toward that goal. Kurt and I might go to the temple again this week, so once again we'll add your family. Every prayer helps I think! Love to your sweet family!

Lacey said...

I will circle July 8. To hear the same things from different doctors mean their on the same page, yeah. Hopefully you can get home soon. She looks ready.

Shasta said...

Yeah how exciting!! Way to go Bella? Could you give more info on what a "button" is? Perhaps I missed that information! Prayering for 07-08-09..sounds like a good day to me!

Anonymous said...

I just read more about Arabella on Jaxson's Blankies for Babes - wow. You're on our prayer radar now.

Heather said...

Oh how I love a plan ... and this one ,with that date,I really love!Shelly,you are doing a great job.All of you are.You remain faithful and steadfast and are all finding your way.Bella looks FABULOUS.Really FABULOUS.Love from California.

mommapainter said...

What a bunch of great updates! Yay! Let's stick with the plan. I love the pictures...Goals not written down are just wishes. good for you! Great news about one Dr. overseeing all. Now its homeward bound Bella. Love you.