Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Monday, June 29, 2009


1st – to answer a few questions.  Yes, I do her hair every morning, not the nurses.  I give her a bath, do her wound care, g-button care, and do her hair.  It’s a lot of fun!  I love how dark it is – and there is so much of it to play with!

june 29 001 june 29 002 june 29 003 





She is on 30 calorie formula, plus bene-protein, plus corn oil four times a day – for a grand total of 140 calories per kilo per day.

Her blood gas was showing that june 29 007she was being a little over-ventilated, so they have gone down on her rate.  She is doing very well with her trach collar (when they take her off the vent and she just gets O2).   That is wonderful!  They have deflated her cuff and plan to change it out to a trach with no cuff.  (Huge – shows how much she has improved.)

Her weight today is 5.22 kg.  They are going to switch her over to Diurel from Lasix – less toxic.  Her hearing test is on Wednesday.  Dr. Graff is this week’s Attending.  She is wonderful.  She has been our attending on some of our sickest days.  She said today that Bella gets the prize for “Most Improved!”  :)

Discharge plan for July june 29 0058th is still being discussed!  I am getting antsy.  She looks fantastic, so let’s go.  I looked back and I had these same feelings when we were discharged last time.  I just couldn’t wait to get out of here.  It seemed like those last 10 days took forever!  I am trying to prepare myself to go home.  I feel like I can take care of her, but it’s so reassuring to know that I can just open the door and get help if I need it.  And…after all of this time, I have made friends.  I will miss the sweet people here that take care of my sweet girl.


Anonymous said...

Oh she has great hair! What a sweet little blessing that has been brought into your lives. Hoping and praying that JULY 8th is the day!! I am sure she is anxious as well to go home to her family...all of the same time...!:)

Heather said...

Her eyes tell the whole story ...SHE is ready!Prayers continue as you prepare for the joyous time of heading to ...."Disneyland"!

Cammie Heflin said...

She looks beautiful! I love the brightness of her eyes! She is ready to come home!

Lacey said...

Oh I would have so much fun with that hair. I so need a girl, sigh.
She is so ready, lets go already.

mommapainter said...

"Most Improved" is probably one of the most sought after titles there. She deserves it! I'm sure you have lots to think about and do as you prepare to bring her home. Zip-a-dee-do-da! What a wonderful day that will be.