Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Trach Trial

Another success!

What a wonderful couple of days!  I think they should mildly sedate the parents whenever they do a procedure on their child – exhale!  breathe.  Yes, people do laugh at me here.  :)

Here the RT is taking her off the vent.  Then she just has a small flow of oxygen (30%) in the new blue tubing – but no pressure like a ventilator.  Can you see her just thinking, “OK, ladybug, so long as you are here.”

june 26 005 june 26 006

june 26 010These are her stats after about 10 minutes.  Yeah!  Everyone is congratulating themselves – we knew she could do it!

Then about 15/20 minutes in, she started to cry and look at me with the “Mama, fix it!” eyes.  Concerned.  Worry.  Her respiration rate got pretty high, but her heart rate stayed around the 140s, so the pulmonologist said to keep trying.  Ugh.  Worry.  Concern.  So I picked her up and held her and talked to her.  And the sweet thing settled down.  I told her stories about Lizzy’s dinner last night, june 26 015about what her big sisters did yesterday in Utah, about her birthmother and how she would call her “popet” (probably misspelled).  She settled right down and went to sleep.  She managed for one hour.  She did it!  Her respiration rate is a little high, but she did it!  Way to go little one!

  So how Dr. Mallory does the wean from the vent (once we are home and things are going well) is this.  He does the trach trials for one hour once a day.  Then after a while, he lengthens the amount of time until one day we will be off the vent during the day.  One day we will be off the vent totally.  Yeah.


Heather said...

Each day,more joyful than the last.She looks so,so great ... I could just eat her up and she is doing just as she should ... going slow and steady so everyone can see how the race is won!Have a good weekend with Daddy Bella ... show him all your newest tricks.okay?

Lacey said...

How many calories to they have that muchkin on? Hopefully its 30 or even 40 cal formula. That should help her gain. One day she will be off that vent, yahoo.

CYNDI said...

I am amazed at all the progress she is making. The days go by so slowly - thinking you will be at the hospital forever and then... She does incredible things! Yea Bella! I can't wait to meet you and see you all cuddled up in your beautiful nursery at home!

Junior said...

Wonderful news, she is making amazing progress.
Have a great weekend Bella.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the beautiful day. So glad she settled in your arms hearing stories of her family!

I will have to read Elder Eyrings talk as church has been cancelled to day for the flu...crazy! My kids are pretty excited though! ;) Do you remember this last conference talk by Richard G Scott...Temple of my favorites.
Good luck on your lesson today I am sure it will be wonderful! Give Bella big kisses for a job well done!