Little Bella has captured the hearts of our family and everyone that meets her. We want to share her story with all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

For Fun

The light bulb burned out in the projector that so often entertains Bella while she lays in her crib.  So I thought we’d try the bouncer.  I think it was a hit.  We need to work on that tongue!  :)

I am so pleased.  She is doing so well.


Heather said...

Definitely a hit and the tongue ... she's in good company!You should be pleased Shelly,she is a wonder!

Anonymous said...

Yes, a big hit indeed. I LOVE the tongue...what a precious little girl!

Anonymous said...

we are new to the blogging world and I was shown your blog and just had to leave a comment. Your sweet lil girl is just so precious. We adopt all special needs kids too :) My Emmie reminds me a lot of your sweet girl.. specially the "tongue". How funny. Please stop by and visit us and say hello. We look forward to hearing from ya soon.
Many Blessings! :)

My name is Sarah said...

Wow Bella that is so cool. You are looking good my little friend.